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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/24/2014
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
November 24, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Genest

Members Present:        Mr. Genest, Mr. Webber, Mr. Robertson
Staff present:          Donna Hanson (Town Administrator)

  • Mr. Genest read a paragraph from the November 10, 2014 BOS meeting minutes regarding the request from Antrim Wind Energy LLC (AWE) to amend section 2 of the PILOT agreement which would change  the date from December 31, 2016 to December 31, 2018. The BOS agreed to speak with  Attorney Upton  (who negotiated the contract between AWE and The Town of Antrim) in order to determine the necessity for a public hearing.
The BOS consulted with Attorney Upton who didn’t think that changing the date was substantial enough to warrant a public hearing. Chairman Genest read an email between Attorney Mayer, Town Counsel and the former town administrator stating that a public hearing was most likely needed. Chairman Genest felt that even though the agenda was posted that day at 3:00 p.m. on the town website for the meeting at 7:00 p.m. that there wasn’t enough time to inform the public of a decision on a subject that has split the town in the past. Mr. Genest stated that it could also be a good time to open the contract to make any changes that may be needed. Mr. Webber stated that the only thing they are amending is the date.
Mr. Webber moved to amend the current Pilot agreement date in Section 2 .Mr. Robertson seconded.  Passed 2/1

  • Mr. Webber moved to approve the BOS minutes of November 10, 2014, Mr. Robertson seconded.  Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Webber moved to approve the Sealed Non-public BOS minutes of November 10, 2014, Mr. Robertson seconded.  Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Genest moved to approve the BOS minutes of November 14, 2014 as amended, Mr. Webber seconded.  Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Genest moved to approve the Sealed Non-public BOS minutes of November 14, 2014, Mr. Robertson seconded.  Passed 3/0
  • The board signed the 2015 Harris Computer contract. Harris Computer (contracted since 2003) supports the Town of Antrim’s accounting software also approved a new file server for the Town office
  • Budget presentations were presented for:
Administrator, Assessing, Legal Cost, Employee Benefits, Information Technology, Government Building, General Insurance, Other General Government, Health Agencies, Health & Welfare, Patriotic Purposes, Debt Services.
  • Future BOS meeting dates were set.
12/8/2014, 12/22/2014, 01/05/2014, 01/19/2014, 02/09/2014, 02/16/2014,
  • There being no further business, Mr. Webber motioned to adjourn, Mr. Robertson seconded.  Passed 3/0.